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group insurance 集體人壽保險。

group leader

Through analysis process , find problems and highlights that exist in china life “ s group insirance develop inert then identify the advantages and disadvantages of china life in the group insurance market , provide fundamental inform ation to china life “ s group insirance strategy secondly , discuss about the strategy position of china life ' s group insurance business , identify the mission of china life that is to provide social safeguard , keep economic stability , and keep social stability 通過對中國人壽團體業務發展的存在的問題以及中國人壽團險業務發展的有利因素、人壽保險團體業務發展的熱點等內部環境的分析,確認了中國人壽團體業務具有的優勢與劣勢,為制定中國人壽團體業務的發展戰略奠定了基礎。其次,論述了中國人壽團業務的戰略地位,明確了中國人壽的企業使命即為社會提供保障,穩定經濟,穩定社會。

In this report , we use enterprise strategic management theory industrial organization theory human resources theory and combine with the china life insurance company ' s reality provide constructive suggestions which is about establish and implement developmental strategy for the group insurance market , to the china life insurance company ( china life ) 本文運用企業戰略管理理論、產業組織理論及人力資源管理理論,結合中國人壽保險公司的實際,對中國人壽團體保險業務的發展戰略的建立與實施提出了建設性意見。

Faced all the better fiercely competitive life insurance market and without intermission incremental demand market , how should the foreign fund insurers obtain comparable competitive edge and initiative position in new insurance market through gear competitive strategy to local conditions , then be able to master the various drift of supply and demand , but then , establish and carry out competitive strategy ? all of this already became the key problem which are used to be solved urgently , especially were most important for those corporation which one got accustomed to bring along expansion toward another personal insurance against had utilized the regional market within group insurance 在面對競爭愈演愈烈的壽險市場和不斷遞增的需求市場,外資壽險公司能否把握瞬息萬變的供需動向,因地制宜的制定和實施競爭戰略,從而在新市場上獲得比較競爭優勢和有利競爭地位,這已經成為外資壽險公司亟待解決的關鍵性問題,尤其是針對那些慣于利用區域市場內團體保險的競爭來帶動公司其他壽險業務擴張的企業來說,就更為重要。

This card is an exclusive offer for group insurance members . in addition to the specially selected benefits , privileges and protection , you get specific mediplus functions such as no upfront medical cash payments and hassle - free claim procedures at designated clinics and hospitals . these mediplus features are the first of their kind in the market 此卡為宏利團體醫療保險成員專享,除了一系列的專有權益優惠及保障外,您更可專享宏康保服務,此乃首創的醫療保險信用卡服務,尊享于指定醫院及診所毋須預先支付醫療費用,簡易索償手續及彈性醫療簽帳額。

Nick crouch is senior vice president , regional employee benefits , asia , manulife financial , responsible for developing manulife s provident funds as well as group insurance businesses throughout asia . in this role , mr . crouch continues to lead the employee benefits business in hong kong and be a member of the hong kong senior management team 凌國智先生為宏利金融亞洲區雇員福利業務部高級副總裁,專責拓展宏利于亞洲區內的公積金及團體保險業務,并繼續掌管宏利于香港的雇員福利業務。

This paper was combined in the marketable competitive situation of group insurance in chengdu , selected group insurance department from company a by way of the object of research . as borrowed ideas from the existing theoretical foundation about strategic management and marketing , from a point of view for competitive 在以上分析的基礎上,綜合運用競爭戰略制定和選擇的理論以及efe和ife矩陣工具,最終為a公司在成都市場上選擇了差異化競爭和長期的挑戰者與短期的補缺者相結合的戰略。

This text analyses and studies to the real example that the sureness of the safe products tactics of group insurance department of xi ' an of insurance company is carried on , its achievement not merely has extremely strong realistic meanings to the marketing of the safe group ' s health insurance of insurance company , have certain reference value to the research that the relevant department carries on the system of medical insurance too 本文是針對平安保險公司西安團體保險部產品策略的確定進行的實證分析和研究,其成果不僅對平安保險公司團體健康保險的營銷具有極強的現實意義,對有關部門進行醫療保險制度的研究也具有一定的參考價值。

Also confirm the strategic target of china life ' s groupinsurance business finally , provi there are career stratagem ; human resource stratagem ; service and brand stratagem ; production innovation stratagem and marketing stratagem . furthermore , also provide implemental projects for every stratagem and solutions for potential problems , all of them will ensure implementation of china life “ s group insirance striegy to achieve the strategic target of china life “ s group insurance business 最后,提出了與中國人壽團體業務戰略發展目標相匹配的五個戰略選擇即,事業部戰略、營銷戰略、人力資源戰略、服務品牌戰略、產品創新戰略,并對每個戰略提出了較具體的實施方案,對每個方面存在的問題提出了相應的解決措施,以保證中國人壽團體業務的發展戰略能順利得以實施,進而實現中國人壽團體業務的發展戰略目標。

The institutional transformation about multi - levels retirement & pension plans and fundamental medical treatments had provided the high - blooded external environment for the development of group insurance in china . whereas , faced foreign capital insurers had thick and fast landed in market of group insurance , based on a long history and layout of long - term strategic network , inland insurer absolutely structured higher barrier of entrance for new entrant 中國多層次養老體系和基本醫療制度的改革為團體保險的發展提供了良好的外部環境,而面對外資壽險頻頻登陸團體保險市場的現狀,內資保險公司長期的戰略網絡布局必然在很大程度上對新進入者構筑較高的進入壁壘。

“ with the establishment of a regulatory system for chinese medicine in hong kong , we wanted to find out how people prefer to use the two branches of medicine in order to be sure that our products and services are meeting the needs of the people of hong kong , “ said michael chan , vice president , group insurance , hong kong operations , manulife international limited 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司香港團體保險副總裁陳銳隆表示:宏利希望了解市民在政府成立中醫藥監管制度后,對使用中西醫藥的取向,以便確保我們的產品及服務能迎合市民的需要。

In anticipation of implementation of the new labor pension law , the corporate pension and group insurance channel , another key player in aegon taiwan s distribution model , keeps working closely with current customers while aggressively prospecting new clients , positioning to take lead in the taiwan pension market 而因應勞退新制的實施,全球人壽企業年金暨團險行銷部門亦積極深耕舊客戶、開發新客戶,期許成為國內退休市場的領導品牌,成為四大行銷通路中重要的一環。

How should the foreign capital insurers reach the extensively social expectation about foreign capital insurer in the market , and surround the research and analyses of solution of this problem through the integration of advantage and disadvantage , crystallize economic and technical chance & menace about group insurance , motivated strategic key executor ' s foundation - oriented of individual values , as above solution had been became the investigative inducement of this paper directly 處于區域市場的外資壽險公司如何通過整合公司的優勢和劣勢,明確團體保險經濟和技術上的機會與威脅,在調動戰略關鍵實施者的個人價值導向的基礎上,達到市場上對于外資保險廣泛的社會期望呢?對圍繞這一問題的解決方法進行探索與分析也就成為了本文研究的直接動機。

Group insurance is a part of traditional insurance business , which is not only an important part of social welfare system , but also strongly support development of our domestic insurance companies , for this reason the group insurance has become a most crucial competitive area , moreover many foreign insurance com panies are also interested with this “ huge cake “ 作為壽險公司傳統業務的團體保險業務,它既是社會福利保障制度的重要組成部分,更是日前我國國內各家壽險公司賴以生存和發展壯大的重要支柱,同時也是國內壽險市場競爭最為激烈的一方熱土,更是許多外國保險公司早已垂涎三尺的一塊大“蛋糕” 。

In april 2004 , manulife extended the web service to its employee benefits group insurance customers employers , enabling them to manage their accounts online , such as managing employee records , viewing account information and accessing benefit schedules and panel doctor list 二零零四年四月,宏利更擴展其網上服務范圍,讓雇員福利部的團體保險客戶雇主可透過宏利客戶網站處理帳戶資料,例如管理雇員記錄查閱帳戶資料索取賠償表格及特約醫生名錄。

Total premiums and deposits for the quarter increased by 12 per cent to cdn 6 . 8 billion from cdn 6 . 1 billion in the fourth quarter of 2000 , largely due to growth in the individual and group insurance businesses across the company and premiums from policies acquired in japan 第四季保費及存款總額高達六十八億加元,較二千年同期的六十一億加元上升百分之十二,主要是因為本公司全線個人及團體保險業務增長以及在日本收購的保單所帶來的保費所致。

“ there has been real growth in awareness and uptake of employee benefit schemes over the past six years in hong kong , with 75 per cent growth in the number of employees covered since 1994 , “ said michael chan , vice president , group insurance , hong kong operations , mil 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司香港團體保險副總裁陳銳隆表示:過去六年,本港雇主及雇員對雇員福利保障計劃的認識及需求不斷提升,自一九九四年起,受保雇員數目已上升七成半。

Group insurance achieved 56 per cent increase in new business sales over 1999 , largely due to the successful launch of manuchoice , an employee insurance scheme that was the first group insurance plan to meet the vast demand for voluntary employee benefits coverage in hong kong 團體保險于二千年的新增業務銷量較一九九九年上升百分之五十六,主要有賴成功推出靈康保計劃。靈康保計劃是首個針對本港自愿性雇員醫療福利市場的團體保險計劃。

“ run with your heart 2001 was more than just a good cause . it underscores manulife s key values of team spirit and perseverance , “ said michael chan , vice president , group insurance , hong kong operations , manulife international limited , who was present at the event 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司香港團體保險副總裁陳銳隆表示:宏利參與是次毅力十二愛心跑2001不僅為了回饋社會,同時亦展現宏利代理人群策群力及堅毅不屈的精神。

There fore , how to deal with such serious competitive circumstance , how to get a right way to survive and develop in the group insurance market have become one of the most important questions for all domestic insurance companies 如何面對嚴峻的競爭環境,謀求團體保險業務的生存與發展,已成為國內各壽險公司當前需要迫切解決的重大課題。